Monday, June 8, 2009

Shops that ship nationwide

This thread is going to be about Computer shops that ship nation-wide (in Pakistan) with somekind of online presence

Here Goes:

1. Galaxy Computers
URL: GALAXY...Pakistan's Leading Computer Store...Home
Customer Opinion
This is probably the best online store in Pakistan. The price List is updated pretty regularly. They respond by email pretty quickly, within minutes if the store is open. I've bought several components from them (ranging from flash drives to gfx cards and motherboards).
If there is a shortfall, it lies in their inventory of Asus Products. They dont have or atleast not on their website several asus products that are available otherwise (Asus P5b-Deluxe, Asus 8800GTX, Asus Silent Knight etc). The other area is lack of decent Chasis and Cool Solutions. Otherwise this is a top notch place
Customer Opinion
My experience with Galaxy Computers. I got a PSU from them. E-Mail response time was quick. I requested them to ship the product by TCS however and not OCS, which they did not do and shipped by OCS. When I protested in e-mail I was told that it's their responsibility to send and OCS is reliable and all that. OCS for me sucks. They had sent the PSU but I did not get it next day (2nd day) but 3rd! I had called them, had to hold for sometime. They noted my number later and called me to tell that it has been delayed due to some reason from OCS, you will get it tomorrow, on 3rd day.
Customer Opinion
The other i have tried is offcourse the famous. galaxy. i dont know what i would do if this site didnt exisit here in pakistan. i would go nuts man. i cant live w/o this site. i have ordered soooo much stuff for myself, my frineds even my office ppl. the only difficult part abt them is the cash deposit angle (for ehih u need to take the time out and send them money). they should introduce Credit Card Processing (they could do it manually over phone instead of an online solution).
Galaxy ROX....!!!

2. Nofal Computers, CLOSED FOR BUSINESS Back as a online only retailer
Customer Opinion
Decent shop. A very good Inventory. The website isnt updated all that frequently, but the price list is. The prices are pretty competitive. Of all the people in Hafeez center Nofal Computers, together with Ingram and GS and Techmen are the most courteous! I havent bought anything from them online (so to speak), but i've bought a lot of stuff directly (Chasis, DVD writers etc). Nice place. If they dont have a particular item, they do direct u to a place where u can get it (120mm fans for example)
Sadly the place has closed down.
Update: The same people have setup an online store. The jury is out on the level of service they provide.
Update 2: The online store seems to be dead as well!

3. Panorama Computers
Comments: Umm, the less we talk about them the better! They have the "snazziest" shop in Hafeez center, but that's about it!
Customer Opinion
never ever for the love of good lord buy stuff from Panorama.
Panorama = Regent (pindi) = dumbasses. 'nuff said.

4. Beliscity
URL: - The best place to buy computers, laptops, mobile phones, electronics and gifts in Karachi, Pakistan
Customer Opinion
Outrageous prices which usually turn out to be wrong! Never used their service. Comments Welcome
update: i am getting a LOT of emails from em regarding their products.

5. Shophive
URL: :: Safe Online Shopping Lahore, Pakistan
Comments: None (so far)

6. Gol Brain Computers (Contributed by "The Patriot")
URL: GBC (GOL Brain Computers), Pakistan.
Comments: Located in Peshawar, never used the shop. Saw their AD in Peshawar. They do ship all over Pakistan. Computers, laptops, cell phones, softwares, pda, gps etc.

7. MyShop Online (Contributed by "The Patriot)"
URL: MyShop OnLine: All About Laptops in Pakistan
Comments: Have sent them few e-mail and inquired about a few laptops. Their response was very quick, within few hours. Got answer on Sunday too once! Never shopped from them, looking forward to. Deals in Laptop and laptop accessories mainly.

8. Makarts
Customer Opinion
Well i tried makarts once. they took three days to deliver, but accepted my credit card online so thats a plus. wont find much on their site. though they do have nice collection of accessories for laptops, projectors,pdas, gps etc. than any other place. ordered a PCMCIA bluetooth card from them cause everywhere u find the usb adaapters ones. whereas PCMCIA gives a clean look. so if you are looking for something unique for your laptop and cant find it elsewhere give them a try.

Customer Opinion
I ordered a pack of 100 -R 16x verbs. got it the next day. nice quick service. I wish there were more payment options. Though Standard chartered doesnt charge extra for out of city accounts, it isnt possible to do an ATM transfer using 1-link or M-net cards. Need to have SC card!
But very good service!

10. Pak Mac Links
URL: Pak Mac Links
Comments: Apple specialist, but also have some HP, Sony, APC, Intel products as well as stuff from some other manufacturers. Never used em, but might be inclined to pay them a visit for an APC UPS
Update: Googles lists the site as "malware Central!".

11. Bawany Technologies (Link provided by the patriot/Joker)
Bawany Technologies
Comments: Strategically Apple. umm that is about all i know!
Customer Opinion
So... I bought an iPod Nano 8GB from Bawany Technologies ONLINE. Called their Office, confirmed availability and shipping charges then transferred the amount to their Bank Account.
Their staff has been very polite and helpful. Happy with their service. Plus I think it's the first Shop in Pakistan to offer Insured shipping option! At least this is the one that offered to me! They included an iPod pouch within the price as well, to my surprise since I did not ask for it. Quite happy that they sent the pouch too after seeing how finger print happy the iPod is!
Update:Under Construction!

12. Symbios Pakistan the Best Online shop in Pakistan,Deals in Laptops, PDA, Mobile,Home Appliances, Digital Quran, also Send as a gift or purchase.
Comments: The place has a wide array of products including moquito zappers! havent used it though!

13. Computer Zone (Link provided by SSilvestrong)
Computer Zone
The place might have gone bankrupt, might be up and running...

14. Hayat Computers (Link provided by Asad)
Hayat Computers
Customer Opinion
There is a local hayat computers in islamabad. Bought a couple of Legend computer casings from them.

15. Media Center
Media Center -All things Apple
All prices seem to be available only on call. That has something to do with unstable currency. I'd say they are just too lazy to update their price lists!

16. Mega(dot)PK
MEGA.PK : New and Used Computer Market in Pakistan[/quote]
This is a Rawalpindi based laptop dealer. Has new as as well as used laptops. They advertise as buyers of used lap tops as well. They have multiple payment options including Credit Cards/ Cash on Delivery (for twin cities), bank transfers etc
Prices seem to be competitive.

There are other stores but their inventories are pretty dated and am not sure they still exist physically (as opposed to virtually).

Based on the various comments made here, I would reccomend using the following when ordering OnLine
1. Galaxy Computers
2. Vmart
3. Makarts

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